Dunno about you, but screenwash is a product that’s easy to forget and neglect but if you haven’t got any on a winter day especially, a dirty windscreen that you can’t get clean, will spoil your driving enjoyment.
I’ve tried every product known to man. Most have a horrid chemical smell, are too concentrated and/or leave the ‘screen smeary. Hopeless. I even tried shoving malt vinegar in the washer bottle once. Well, it works on your windows at home but not on a car windscreen.
It kept making me hungry though as I had a compulsion to buy some chips every time I used the washers!
One very good product I have now settled on comes from Carplan and is part of their All Seasons Screenwash range. Arriving in 1-litre bottles this vivid green liquid is ready-to-use, actually cleans the windscreen and best bit of all, gives off a lovely whiff of fresh apples. Prices vary but I’ve typically found it for around £5.99. A little goes a long way… They do an orange-fragranced one too, but I’ve not tried that yet.
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