Vetech has just released their new screenwash, exclusively available from GSF Car Parts.
In common with all Vetech products, the screenwash offers trade-level high performance, but at a competitive price point. Vetech can hit the wide gap between poor quality ultra-cheap and premium branded formulations say GSF.
“We know some low cost screenwashes freeze at just -2ºC neat” said John Wright, general manager of GSF Garage Essentials. “So, any dilution means they offer practically no winter protection.”
By contrast, Vetech screenwash offers freeze protection down to -10ºC. So, it’s a genuinely effective de-icer used neat. Otherwise, it can comfortably be diluted to go three times further than low grade alternatives, while still offering better freeze resistance.
Other benefits, more typically associated with premium-cost products, come from a formulation which includes a full mix of additives for effective smear-free summer cleaning. There’s also a long-lasting rain repellent too; this ensures any moisture will bead and run off the windscreen, instead of clinging and compromising visibility.
To stand out from the crowd, Vetech screenwash is yellow and fragranced with a neutral citrus that’s proving popular with motorists.
You can buy online at www.gsfcarparts.com , with local Click & Collect from one of over 70 GSF Car Parts stores ENDS.