GKD Legend
Aeon GT3 Spyder

Three fine Kent-based manufacturers are pooling certain resources for kit sales, builds and kitcar show appearances although all three – Fury Sportscars, Aeon Sportscars and GKD Sportscars – remain independent.

First result of this link-up is that they’ll be sharing a stand at the forthcoming Stoneleigh show, the first appearance for Aeon, in particular, for several years. The company, based in Marden, are kept busy with their crop sprayers, although have always kept their kitcar products going and they also produce the chassis’ – rather handily – for Fury and GKD.

Fury Sportscars, run by the hugely talented kitcar builder, Steve Hughes, now offer a build service for the GKD Legend, the very capable BMW 318-based Lotus Seven-inspired sportscar.

The cool thing here is that none of the models clash and the thinking that all three will benefit each other is very sound and logical thinking.

More from the respective companies via:

Aeon Sportscars – or 01622 833 037

Fury Sportscars – or 01580 713 777

GKD Sportscars – or 08709 104 108