The top of a 205-litre oil drum is always grubby and dirty, isn’t it? No matter how careful you are, it gets covered in oil and attracts dirt, and is difficult to clean. Laser Tools has the answer! Quick, easy and cost effective: the new Oil Absorbent Drum Top Mats (part number 6033), available now in packs of ten.

Each mat is 550mm in diameter and has die-cut access holes for the filler openings. The material readily absorbs oil but not water-based liquids and each mat will absorb up to a litre of oil before it becomes saturated. Another aid to help keep your workshop clean and tidy.

Available now from your local Laser Tools supplier, and very good value for the packs of ten, typically priced at £27.58 inc VAT, but remember to check for the best prices and special offers.

More details from www.lasertools.co.uk ENDS.