Retro Cars Live is a brand new event for 2015 celebrating the UK’s most iconic classic modified cars and kitcars.

You’ll be able to experience non-stop high-speed track action, with thousands of cars on display and plenty of live features and entertainment to keep you busy all day.

The show brings together the finest club cars from all marques; from Ford, Vauxhall, VW, BMW, Mercedes and more. Expect to see thousands of cars filling every available inch of the paddock, everything from immaculate restored motors to tuned performance classics.

The track will be at the heart of Retro Cars Live with non-stop action on two of Rockingham’s circuits. Public track time will feature on the National Circuit while high speed passenger rides and demos will run throughout the day on Europe’s fastest banked Oval Circuit.

If that’s not enough to satisfy your appetite, there will be plenty of entertainment off the circuit too; including motorsport and stunt displays, show and shine, trade stands and more. Plus the event will play host to some amazing celebratory displays from Retro Cars magazine itself plus TKC Mag/ will be hosting a kitcar ‘village’. Retro Cars Live takes place on Sunday, August 9 – More from – we’ll be handling kitcar bookings so contact us to book a club-stand HERE. ENDS.