The days of using any old polish on your car have gone. Nasty chemical-laden jollop that smelt horrible and took all your skin’s natural oils away, while leaving white dust on your bodywork. Of course, that was if you could actually get the product off the paint’s surface and if it was a sunny day, then forget about it.

One of the reasons we’re big fans of the products of Kent-based Cödeclean is that they are easy to use and work supremely well. Unlike some companies who offer far too many products, Cödeclean’s line-up is quite short by comparison.

Last weekend I used their Premier 40% Carnauba Wax on my black Audi, a notoriously difficult surface on which to achieve a gleaming shine. Cödeclean managed it…

The number one product in any car care system is a high quality finishing wax. CödeClean is well aware of this and have developed a unique blend of 40 per cent Carnauba wax blended with high quality UV filters and synthetic resins to produce a product that will not only shine your car but protect it at the same time.

It gives a deep gloss finish that protects the surface, has an easy on; easy off formulation, removes residues on insects and bird poo and doesn’t leave white residue.

More from www.codeclean.co.uk ENDS.