I guess we’ve all been there. Cold winter days and chilly evenings in the garage/workshop that leave you feeling chilled to the bones. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve had no feeling in my fingers and toes. Quite frankly, it’s pretty un-pleasant and not conducive to enjoying working on your car.

There is always an electric convector heater but these can eat electricity and only really give heat in one spot, while those little waste oil heaters, you know the ones that look like little aircraft engines, are noisy and fill the garage with un-pleasant fumes.

An alternative form of heating that I think could give us a good, quiet and affordable solution comes from Bedfordshire company, Infrarad Heating and their Slimline Power Heaters, which look like car radiators or oil coolers.

They produce rays of heat that seem to reflect from objects near them thus producing even, consistent and warmth in the workshop. Their little 1kw intro-level product is perfect for a home workshop, although they also produce 1.8kw,  2.4kw and 3.2kw units, with prices very competitive ranging from £243 to £411.

With so many plus points, perhaps the final deal-sealer could be the fact that they use just half the energy of convection heaters. Therefore, if you have an electric heater using 3kw you’d reduce that by half with Infrarad’s product…

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