Just when you thought that virtually every modification to the Ford Cosworth BDA race engine possible had been done, Kent Cams has come up with not one, but two new profiles.
Coming up with an improved modification for this well-tried engine wasn’t easy and it involved some engineering trickery as well as radical thinking. Most performance camshafts involve increasing the lift by making the lobes bigger, but there comes a point when the lobes would be too big to go through the bearing housings and the camshaft would not be able to be installed.
Kent has taken a new approach to the design of the lobe profile and has managed to extract more power from the engine by increasing lobe area and lift while reducing peak cam stress.
The new Kent Cams for the BDA are available as BDA 279 and BDA 267 profiles and prices start at £614.40 inc VAT.
More information at the other end of 01303 248 666 or from www.kentcams.com ENDS.