Car Photography, Automotive Pictures Published in Magazines - News Papers

Car Photography, Automotive Pictures Published in Magazines - News Papers

Before trying different radiators and running the risk of over-cooling your engine, you should fit an electric cooling fan to ensure that both engine oil and water are maintained at the correct temperatures.

The KLM1418 electric cooling fan from MIni Spares will only operate as required thus saving on power and ensuring the engine temperature is maintained at the optimum level.

The fan will also remove the parasitic power loss that accompanies an engine driven cooling fan thus releasing more engine power, allowing a quicker warm up period, reducing engine wear and improving fuel economy and passenger comfort.

The KLM1418 retails at £68.48 inc VAT and is also available as part of Mini Spares model-specific electric fan kits, which also include an electronic fan controller, mounting brackets and wiring loom priced from £85.14 inc VAT.

More information from 01707 607 700 or visit ENDS.