Students and tutors from Doncaster College visited Great British Sportscars for a tour and to order a GBS Zero kit. Well done to all concerned.

In the run up to Christmas, Doncaster College took delivery of a nice present –a GBS Zero kit.

Students and tutors from Doncaster College visited Great British Sportscars for a tour and to order a GBS Zero kit. Well done to all concerned.
Students and tutors from Doncaster College visited Great British Sportscars for a tour and to order a GBS Zero kit. Well done to all concerned.

Ruth Hall of Great British Sportscars takes up the story: “A few months ago we were approached by staff at Doncaster College. They were interested in giving their students the opportunity to build their own car from scratch and a kit car seemed liked the ideal option, so after a visit to the GBS Factory from two members of the college staff and several phone calls we were delighted that they placed their order for a GBS Zero Ford ‘175’ Calibre Kit.

“We have now supplied a large number of educational facilities including schools, colleges and universities all over the world. Building any car from scratch is a popular choice and an ideal way to educate and get students involved (too right, Ruth! – Ed).

Here's their kit, delivered just before Christmas. We expect to see the results...
Here’s their kit, delivered just before Christmas. We expect to see the results…

“It’s also a great opportunity for students to gain practical experience and develop their knowledge and understanding of engineering. We welcome any enquiry from colleges and the like about a kit project and as a company we are willing to help and assist them throughout the build as the next generation of car builders are the future for the British specialist car industry (Yep, right again, Ruth! – Ed).”

The Nottinghamshire-based company already offers factory tours to schools, which allows pupils to see their full production process. Numbers are limited to eight students and two staff per tour but if you contact Ruth via or 01362 860 990 she’ll be happy to help. Well done GBS, I say…ENDS.

All being well they should end up with something cool like this...
All being well they should end up with something cool like this…