news_rich_howlettGot an email this week from Indycar designer and ex-Lola employee, Rich Howlett:

“An exclusive opportunity now available for a Lotus Seven style manufacturer to achieve a unique market-leading position bringing this award winning removable gull-wing hardtop coupé development to a worldwide market with their range.

“Designed and developed by Indycar engineer and ex Lola employee, Rich Howlett, this opportunity brings 20-years exclusive Intellectual Property Rights with all plugs, moulds and new sales opportunities ready to lead the progression of this long-awaited development and evolve the classic LSIS-style open top sportscar into an all-weather market-leading Hardtop Coupé.

“To develop an exclusive fitment of this unique Hardtop Coupé design for your Lotus Seven range, contact me via www.richhowlett.co.uk.”

Can’t add to that….if this floats your boat, then you know what to do.