A fine reputation with Lotus and TVRs has seen Option 1 turn their attention to the kitcar industry. They have a lot to offer...

As a pretty enthusiastic classic Lotus fan of many years standing I keep a very keen eye on that scene, which although belonging within the specialist car sector is a niche within a niche. For example, I’ve learnt the hard way that it’s never good to use the words ‘kit’ and ‘car’ in the earshot of a historic Lotus owner (well, up until 1973 and the introduction of VAT, which stopped Lotus ‘kit’ production, almost overnight).

A fine reputation with Lotus and TVRs has seen Option 1 turn their attention to the kitcar industry. They have a lot to offer...
A fine reputation with Lotus and TVRs has seen Option 1 turn their attention to the kitcar industry. They have a lot to offer…

Fact is though that the Lotus Components division (which existed alongside the main Lotus operation, the race team and Moonraker boats) would sell you a CKD (Complete Knock Down) package for completion in your garage of many Lotus models. Not all, but most road cars…Regardless of how complete the ‘kit’ (oh gawd!) was it still required the purchaser to wield a spanner, screwdriver and a socket set to complete it.

Exhibitors at dedicated Lotus shows tend to be long established specialists, companies like SpyderSport, CTM, Paul Matty Sportscars and QED and know their market and more importantly what their customers want. A very well-regarded operation within this market is Bromsgrove-based Option 1 Sports Cars.


I’ve long been impressed with their work when I’ve been to Lotus events and it is a welcome and logical development that they are now entering the kitcar marketplace, as they undoubtedly have lots to offer totalkitcar readers.

There’s a reason why Lotus Elan or Europa owners and also TVR Tasmin (they are big in TVR circles too) head for their door. They will welcome your enquiry.

Tell them Stevo sent you!

For more information contact or 01527 557 111 ENDS.