If you have any requirements for pipe-bending and you live in striking distance of Merlin Motorsport’s base in the paddock at Castle Combe circuit in Wiltshire then they may wel be able to help you.
They are equipped with a state-of-the-art Ercolina tube-bending machine and ‘formers’ for 1-, 1 1/8-, 1¼-,1½ and 1¾in outside diameter (O/D) tube and they can cope with both aluminium and steel tube and roll-cage hoops from CDS tubing.
The radius of the bend is fixed by the ‘former’ and these are set out in the latest MERLIN CATALOGUE (page 79) or via this link TUBE BENDING SERVICE.
They also bend and bead water pipes although the machine does have limitations. It can’t make you a cup of tea although if it’s not capable of producing exactly what you want an alternative is to use pieces joined with silicone hose or sections welded together.
Best advice I to give them a call on 01249 782 101 to discuss your requirements ENDS.