Here’s a sound dampening product that a few people have used and told me about so it only seems right to include it here. A well-recommended product is always welcomed here to these pages.
RetroMat Dampening isn’t officially available in the UK, but I know one chap who imported some, while another brought a quantity back with him in his luggage from a US trip.
The manufacturer’s, RetroMat specialise in cool-looking retro sound systems and their sound deadening material is a logical by-product of that. It’s a self-adhesive product that reduces noise and vibration, while you don’t need glue to stick it and it’s easy to cut and fit.
Two versions are available – Sound Dampening and Hood Liner (that’s bonnet-liner to you and me!). Prices start at just $20. More from www.retromanufacturing.com ENDS.