A lot of older cars never had the option of in-built reversing lights and this means that they didn’t have the facility to have a gearbox ‘switch’. The latest new product from Better Car Lighting could well sort this issue out for you.
The easy-to-fit kit provides a neat and convenient solution with a neat button fitted to control it. A press of the button will turn on a pair of high-power LED reversing lights for around 30-seconds. A longer period can be activated. All you have to do is press the button again!
The lights are designed to be virtually invisible when fitted and can be used to replace the existing number-plate fixings. There are three styles to choose from and all give out good light.
The complete kit costs £83.99 inc VAT although the control unit on its own can be ordered at £59.99 inc VAT – more information from www.bettercarlighting.co.uk or 0121 773 7000 ENDS.