
I’ve been testing out the very interesting Snooper My-Speed XL – a very easy to use device that displays and alerts you to speed limits and changes in limits throughout Western Europe.

Plus, it incorporates Snooper’s award-winning GPS speed trap detection technology supplied by AURA™. With FREE speed camera updates. The My-Speed XL software will display the speed limit of the road you’re travelling on, plus your current speed in large format (the screen size is 4.3). This helps drivers to quickly see the speed limit and their current speed, protecting their driving licence and keeping them free from hefty fines

Snooper My-Speed XL has been launched as our latest driver aid to stand alongside the current range which includes; 4Zero, iRadar and My-Speed Connect.

Have you ever been driving along, confused as to what the speed limit is, unsure whether you are in a 30mph or a 40mph zone?  You frantically scan the side of the road as you drive but can’t see a speed limit sign anywhere? My-Speed XL has the answer.

Inappropriate speed is often responsible for many road accidents resulting in serious injuries, which sometimes can even be fatal. My-Speed XL will ensure that you know what the speed limit is on every road you travel on so you can drive safely at all times.
Using the very latest GPS technology and the most comprehensive database of speed limits in Europe provided by Here® they will also supply FREE LIFETIME speed limit updates.

Best part is the price of just £99.99 and available via ENDS.