Invented by a United States Air Force aircraft mechanic Grypmat could just be a very special product that will greatly help you in the garage and/or workshop.
Fed up with not being able to reach tools and nuts and bolts to hand while working on jet aircraft, he decided to create his own tool-tray, which has ended-up winning crowd-funding and entering production as Grypmat.
It’s a funky, orange-coloured non-slip, non-magnetic and chemical resistant anti-static rubber tool-tray that keeps your tools and fasteners in place. It’s really advanced stuff and it can be placed at any angle, with not so much as a washer being lost or moving. Three sizes are available – small, medium and large.
It could be really popular within the kitcar industry, although if you’re not in the USA you may have to wait to get your hands on one although I feel sure that there will soon be distributors popping up all over the world for this.
If you are America, you can order one now at $54 direct from Grypmat via www.grypshon.com ENDS.