It’s not every day we get a product press release like this….VW Heritage has managed to turn up five new old stock Brazilian Beetle chassis that have been gathering dust in a warehouse for the past twenty years!
We’re not sure how or why they’ve spent this long hidden in the dark, but it is great news for those with Beetles with flaky floors or those who want to build a Beach Buggy or Speedster replica from the ground up.
Complete with brakes, ball-joint front axle, and a gearbox already in place, it only needs some wheels, a steering column and an engine and you’ll be off.
Priced at £7200 inc VAT they won’t be for everyone, but if your project is needing it, these brand-new chassis’ are worth every penny. Likewise, don’t get the hump if they’ve already gone …
To find out more give them a call on 01273 444 000 or visit www.vwheritage.com ENDS.