Phoenix Kit Cars will be re-launching the Mevster at Stoneleigh 2021

Of all the many kitcars designed by Stuart Mills, the Mevster was always one of my favourites so I’m very pleased to hear that it’s about to make a comeback as the Phoenix5 from Sheffield-based Phoenix Kit Cars (that name must be one of the most frequently used over the years), run by Adrian O’Connor.

Adrian will be debuting his new venture at Stoneleigh 2017 and his display will feature Stuart’s original demonstrator as well as his newly revised chassis. That’s the only initial change as the car will remain unaltered visually.

With a background in education and his bank of contacts several schools and colleges have already pledged support by agreeing to take on Phoenix5s to help their engineering students gain technical know-how.

More information from www.phoenix5kitcars.co.uk ENDS.