‘Motor racing’s greatest untold story’ is what this new documentary on the life and career of Bruce McLaren bills itself and having been lucky enough to see an advance copy I have to thoroughly recommend it.
The film is released on Monday, May 29 and it tells the Bruce McLaren story, how he achieved greatness with grit and determination thrown in with the man’s sheer ability behind the wheel. The highs and lows of his career are all covered from his birth in 1937 right through to his tragic death testing a McLaren Can-Am car at Goodwood in 1970.
More on this next week, when we’ll have a review of the DVD, but suffice to say this is going to appeal to you dear reader and like the Ayrton Senna documentary, it will tug at your emotions, for sure.
McLaren will be in cinemas for one night only on Thursday 25 May and on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital platforms from Monday 29 May 2017.
IMAGES: https://we.tl/Pm1lWYOF9y
TRAILER: https://youtu.be/WOFpVOqF960