Hands up who remembers the excellently-named FUBAR Street Hoppa, a new take on the beach buggy theme, about ten years ago?
Despite the modern looks it was based on traditional beach buggy fare of Volkswagen Beetle and was the work of John ‘Village’ Warner. Soon after he created it, Village was snapped up by a leading motor manufacturer for the design department and since then he’s risen further through the ranks.
Village’s dad, Barry, himself a very well-regarded automotive clay modeller, took over and actively marketed the kit for a couple of years, exhibiting at several shows and getting media coverage in magazines, ours included. Barry worked closely with a Devon restoration specialist (a good one) who did the fabrication work and generally took care of daily duties and stuff like test drives.
Since then though it’s been on the back burner until now and I heard this week that Gary Blundall of Kenilworth-based Speedster Clinic has acquired the project and plans to make a few detail changes before re-launching it in kit form once more.
More details as we get them…
In the meantime get more information on this one and for their existing range of 356-related replicas from www.speedsterclinic.com or 01672 248 413 ENDS