B-G Racing’s Quick Lift Jacks are engineered and manufactured with durability and ease of use in mind. They are suitable for a wide range of vehicles including formula, saloon and rally.
All four sizes feature a very low closed height and are designed to locate beneath the differential and front or rear chassis members, thus raising the car to a fixed height in one swift movement. A safety locking device, which is quick and easy to use, ensures the handle cannot be raised unintentionally.
B-G Racing’s Quick Lift Jacks are produced from high-grade mild steel with a durable and highly visible red powdercoated finish. All four feature an extra-long, ergonomic handle for excellent leverage with a yellow tip to enhance visibility and nylon roller wheels to allow easy manoeuvrability.
They are priced from £173.99 inc VAT and more details are available from 01268 764 411 or www.bg-racing.co.uk ENDS.