Armor All was THE exotic car care brand in the eighties when T-Cut, Simoniz and Turtle Wax were the kings of the hill. If you knew someone who used Armor All he was the man!
The car care market has changed and expanded massively in recent years and just like there are loads of micro-breweries, there are hundreds of boutique polishes, waxes and sealants available in the UK.
In recent years, Armor All has enjoyed a bit of a renaissance in the UK and their Shield product is helping to lead the charge. It’s basically a liquid wax that is easy to use, applying a protective shell to your car’s surface keeping it cleaner for longer.
Indeed, Armor All reckon it can last up to ten washes, which makes it excellent value for money at just £11.33 for a 500ml bottle.
More information from www.armorall.eu ENDS.