In keeping with its policy of providing the parts to keep your Mini and Mini-based kitcar on the road, Mini Spares has just released, not one, but two, mainshafts for classic Minis.
DAM7484 – A plus type, often referred to as an 18mm (11/16in) due to the size of the nose bearing for the first motion shaft. These use a DAM7485 locking nut and can also be found in some of the pre-A plus gearboxes used on the last of the 1275GT models.
22G833 – Pre-A Plus 4 Synchro type, often referred to as a 14mm, is suitable for all four-synchro pre-A+ gearbox applications. It uses a 22G48 locking nut.
Both shafts are UK-made and retail at £121.80 inc VAT each with more details from 01707 607 700 or www.minispares.com ENDS.