Like a puncture, a hole in your exhaust can occur very unexpectedly and are just as annoying. Some people make the mistake of seeing a small hole and leaving it, but they can grow quickly and before you know it can develop into a big problem.
The resulting errant fumes can mess up emissions and cause possible other damage to your car, but replacing a back-box or complete exhaust system can be costly. It usually happens to me when I have a couple of car taxes to pay for or have another big bill due.
Holts Gun Gum has been around for a long time but the recently re-formulated paste can, the maker’s Holts claim, give a cost-effective permanent repair (as long as you apply it with the supplied special spatula). If nothing else it does give a get-you-out-of-trouble solution.

It can trace its origins back to 1945 when invented by Holts’ innovative founder, Douglas Holt (he’d founded the company as far back as 1919) when it was called Firegum. It’s been around ever since.
Widely available a typical price for a 200gm tin is around £3.99.
More information from www.holtsauto.comENDS.