Lots of kitcar folk like to do a bit of camping. Things just got a bit easier when it comes to a good night’s sleep while out under the stars. Thanks to the marvellously-named Bundle Bed, I reckon you can chuck that irritating old air-bed and seen-better-days sleeping bag into the nearest skip.

The makers, James Clark and Lucy Bartlett, who run Bundle Beds, claim that they have the future of sleeping outdoors and a decent night’s sleep, all wrapped up in their little bundle.

It is a fully self-contained proper bed, complete with a slim, self-inflating (wa-hey!) mattress, built-in cosy duvet and pillow complete with sheets for maximum comfort.

A single Bundle Bed costs £199 or you can buy two beds and a ‘double’ sheet for £409.99. Options include a fitted sheet at £24.99, a summer duvet (5 Tog) at £39.99 and a spare bedding pack at £49.99.

I think this could well catch-on with kitcar folk and will definitely make a huge improvement to sleeping at rallies, car shows and the like.

For more information visit www.bundlebed.com ENDS.