We’ve all seen those little trailers that can be towed behind your kitcar. Quite frankly most of them leave me cold. However, when Michael Hough’s email pinged into my inbox recently I sat up and took notice.

A pattern maker by trade, with a lot of time spent working and living in The Netherlands, Michael identified a need for a small trailer that could be practical and lightweight and easily towed behind a kitcar or any car, for that matter.

Spend any time driving around in Europe and you’ll regularly see small box-type trailers or if you’ve spent any time in North America how many U-Haul rental trailers did you see on the interstates?

Under the skin, there’s a galvanised chassis, which has a GRP body structure fitted to it and you can choose from 106 RAL colours, meaning that you should be able to pretty much match the body colour of your kitcar. For those who demand a bit of perfection, a small premium will enable you to get a perfect match.

A superbly-made product with a generous and useful payload capability of 430kg (4ft of cubic storage), it has gas struts, tasteful – and bright – LED lights and stainless steel fixings all-round. Michael officially announced the price this week, which is from £2100 and I expect to see a few of these at a variety of kitcar and classic car events soon.

For more information visit www.campingtrailersandpoptops.co.uk or call Michael on 07713 321 223 ENDS.