A tiny artisan car care brand that I really like is Yeovil-based Immaculate Reflection and they make good, honest products, with a bit of novelty value but that actually punch above their weight and work superbly.
Take their Glorious Gloss Peanut Butter Smooth wax, which smells just like those old peanut crunch sweets we used to have as kids. Sure, it’s a real hoot and it even has the texture of peanut butter, too, but it’s a high-quality product that did crazy things to the surface of my Smart ForFour.
That car is always difficult to get looking great because not only does it feature two colours (the Tridion cell is in black) but a mixture of metal and ABS plastic body panels. That combo often catches out polishes and waxes.
This little 150ml pot of loveliness features a blend of waxes and oils that combine to shine the car’s bodywork but also add a layer of protection, too.
I use it as a ‘topper’ over my normal sealant and paste wax and it works brilliantly.
A 150ml pot costs £30 but is worth every single penny, in my view.
More from www.immcaulatereflectioncarcare.com ENDS.
A handy little bit of info I found on the company’s website was this – The fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth is called Arachibutyrophobia (pronounced A’-ra-kid-bu-ti-ro-pho-bi-a)!