All Purpose Cleaners (APCs) are a vital part of any dedicated car care enthusiast’s arsenal and there are some good ones on the market such as Meguiar’s APC and Grime Out by Britemax.

Another one I like a lot is Outrageous Orange™ by American brand Malco Automotive imported to the UK by the marvellous Slim’s Detailing. Of the many US brands, Malco keeps a low profile but their stuff is of the highest order.

Anyway, Outrageous Orange has a heady scent of orange, is bio-degradable and shifts grease, dirt and grime, for fun.

I was recently offered some ‘garage points’ by ‘er indoors in return for the task of removing a load of unsightly green staining from our UPVC window frames. I tried some of my regular products, which are normally very effective, but to no avail this time, although Outrageous Orange wiped it straight off. Impressive.

Its super dilution ratio of 1:30 offers incredible value for money especially when you consider that a gallon bottle (US gallon) costs just £19.94. If you order by 10am Slim’s will send your order the same day for 24-hour delivery.

It also works great on engines, concrete floors, vinyl, plastic and even wheels and tyres although equally as impressive is its Tropicana Orange Juice-like aroma it leaves behind.

More information from www.slimsdetailing.co.ukor 0333 222 9944 ENDS.