Back in the fifties and sixties, Duckhams 20w-50 was the engine oil of choice. It was the world’s first multigrade oil that could be used all year round so that there was no need to change from summer to winter grade oils.
Now the legendary green oil is back, with a few improvements on the original 1956 version. It now conforms to API, SE, SF, SG, SH and SJ specifications and is ideal for any classic that requires a 20w-50 oil rather than the modern lighter grades.
It can be used confidently in any engine that was originally recommended to use Duckhams 20w-50 as well as classic engines that have been retro-fitted with a full-flow cartridge filter.
It also now has an optimised ZDDP (zinc) level for safeguarding both classic and vintage engines.
Mini Spares stock Duckhams 20w-50 oil in the traditional yellow 1-gallon (4.5-litre)-sized cans as well as 1-litre top-up cans, on sale at £29.99 and £8.53 respectively.
To paraphrase Alexander Duckham’s famous words,’ if your engine could choose its own oil, it would choose Duckhams’.
For more details contact Mini Spares on 01707 607 700 or visit HYPERLINK “” ENDS.