A standard Mini coil-pack can only do so much. When the compression is raised (as in most high-performance engines) or non-standard fuel mixtures are used the coil’s performance is challenged so something better is needed.
The Mini Spares Gold Performance Coil is totally different to the usual Lucas type and is generally acclaimed as being the best on the market.
It represents a massive improvement over the standard coil and yet is a direct replacement upgrade. It must be noted though that it can only be used on non-ballast type Minis manufactured up to 1982.
The internal components of this coil are completely original and were proven in extensive tests before Mini Spares released the coil onto the market.
Order as part number MSC15 at £21.37 inc VAT.
Also available: MSC110 and DLB111 coils for performance cars with ballast ignition 1982-on. Original type coil bracket 12G2994 with welded on lug nuts as fitted from 1969-1995
For more details call them on 01707 607 700 or visit www.minispares.com ENDS.