During the same car care detailing session that spawned the TDG Blueberry Wheels news item also yielded this one, Luxury Suds shampoo from ADS Car Care, another of my favourite brands.

It is one of a line-up of shampoos from the East Sussex brand that also features shampoos with heady watermelon, purple grape and sweet shop flavours – the company loves a Body Shop or Lush-style scent on their products.

The Luxury Suds product has a strawberry whiff that could cause you a problem if you parked it next to a glass containing a Strawberry Crusha milkshake, so take care! Other brands of milkshake syrups are available. Obviously.

For my grimy X5, I used a dosage of 30ml of product in a detailing bucket containing warm water, which gets the detergents within mixed nicely, although you can turbocharge the soap suds by blasting your pressure washer into the bucket for a split second.

Like TDG’s wheel cleaner, Luxury Suds lifted the dirt from the car’s paintwork and after rinsing and drying (to remove the risk of unsightly water spots – the surface was soft and most importantly gleaming.

It gave me a great basis on which to add protection and gloss in later steps (for the record my current chosen sealant is Jescar Power Lock+ topped with Soft 99 King of Gloss paste wax (in the summer month’s it’s Collinite’s Insulator Wax but that works best when the temperature is over 20-degrees C) and even better is it costs just £13.99 for a 500ml bottle or £19.99 for the 1-litre size.

For more information visit www.adscarcare.co.uk ENDS.