Sealey’s TST22 Towing Socket Tester is MOT-approved for use in stations on vehicle classes 4, 5 and 7.

It’s a quick and simple test of 12V 13-pin Euro-type sockets fitted to the rear of the vehicle.  It is supplied with 4.9m cable to enable the operator to use the tool while sitting in the car.

It features a self-test facility to ensure the serviceability of the tool and is powered by the 12V vehicle supply. It also tests the 12V continuous/ignition live feeds and the reversing lights – not part of the current MOT test, but useful when diagnosing electrical faults.

The unit also Includes 13- to 7-pin adaptor for testing older wiring systems and available online from around £54.53 with free delivery.

For further details or to view Sealey’s range visit www.sealey.co.uk or alternatively call their Customer Service Department on 01284 757 500 ENDS.