One of the kitcar industry’s most historic companies is coming onto the market as a going concern as its owner looks to hand over the reins to someone with the ambition to see the marque flourish into the future.

Having been in continuous production for the last 40-years, since 1993 Marlin Sportscars has been run by Mark and Terry Matthews, initially with the Cabrio, then with the Sportster and EXi.

With Mark’s passing in 2014 after a long fight with cancer, Terry has been running the company with the support from her loyal technical team, but she feels the time is now right to pass the baton onto someone else.

Although the business could be available as a whole, it’s expected that the EXi may be sold as a separate entity, with all chassis jigs, body moulds and IP rights.

The sale of Marlin Sportscars would encompass the current Sportster model, and also rights to produce the previous Cabrio roadster. Body moulds and chassis jigs for both models would also be included.

The hand-over would include access to all ongoing sales leads as well as technical support for the new owners for a period to be agreed. Asking price for either package is said to be ‘realistic’ and interested parties are encouraged to make contact to find out more.

As well as the ongoing potential for new sales, there are also the many existing Marlin owners who continue to need spares, offering any new owner a potentially lucrative additional income stream.

The current BMW diesel powered Sportster will be included in the sale, meaning any new owner can hit the ground running with a business that’s ready to go.

To express your interest (GENUINE ENQUIRIES ONLY, PLEASE) and find out more, contact Terry Matthews on 01363 773 772 or email via terry@marlincars.co.ukor even www.marlinsportscars.co.uk ENDS.