Quick Heat is specially formulated to get the heat from your engine into your heating system faster in frigid climates. The product does two things… it gets you warmer, faster and melts ice and frost from windows more quickly.

It is safe to mix with all types of anti-freeze. Simply pour one bottle into your radiator/cooling system and feel the warmth.

What Quick Heat does, to get a little technical, is reduce the surface tension of the coolant in your system and stops tiny bubbles from forming (cavitation); this increases the efficiency of the transfer of heat from the coolant to your heating system.

You don’t need to change your coolant in the summer after using Quick Heat. Your system will maintain the same heat transfer efficiency and, paradoxically, Quick Heat will actually lower coolant temperatures in hot conditions.

  • Simply pour into radiator
    • Safe with all coolants
    • Get warm in half the time
    • Enhances benefits of a remote starter
    • Available in 16 oz. bottle – £10.01 inc VAT

In the UK and Europe, DEI Quick Heat can be ordered from https://www.demon-tweeks.com/uk/design-engineering-heater-hotter-dei040206/ ENDS.