Cal Trump is a clever engineer and one of his activities is running T89 Designs, which markets plans-built track-orientated kitcars such as the single-seat SSL and Razorbill.

Cal also runs RaceCarWings, which as the name suggests sells er, wings for racecars. They are assembled and rolled by Cal and he offers stock parts or can produce bespoke items to order. A variety of standard wings are available including – Circuit (900mm wide x 355mm chord main plane, fitted with mounts, with Gurney flap and CF-end plates, priced at £450.

Then comes the Sprint wing – 1250mm wide x 355mm chord main plane at £475.

The Hillclimb wings is 1250mm wide x 355mm chord main plane and the secondary element. It comes fitted with mounts, Gurney flap and CF end plate and is priced at £575.

Finally, comes the ‘Front’ wing at 1250mm wide x 300mm chord main plane and flaps. Fitted with mounts, Gurney flaps and CF end plates at £550.

Cal also offers a wing re-build service typically priced between £450-£550.

More information from www.racecarwings.co.uk ENDS.