Most engine oils are designed to work optimally between 82°C – 99°C.
However, DEI’s new Oil Filter Shield effectively protects spin-on type oil filter canisters from radiant heat, which can change the oil’s viscosity or potentially cause a thermal breakdown that makes the oil additives degrade, dissipate and wear out quickly.
DEI’s Oil Filter Heat Shield is available in two sizes:
3½in – 4½in x 4in high
88.99mm – 114.3mm x 101.6mm high
part #010740
2½in – 3½in x 3in high
63.5mm – 88.9mm x 76.2mm high
part #010741
It can be trimmed to fit any size of oil filter and is sold in a convenient three-pack to provide for future oil filter changes.
The shield is ideal for use wherever an oil filter is located in proximity to a heat source such as exhausts, radiators and turbos or can be used to protect a remotely located filter.
For more information about DEI’s full line of thermal safety products, visit
In the UK & Europe DEI Oil Filter Heat Shield can be ordered from or via ENDS.