As a big fan of car care and detailing, I have an extensive collection of products and among them are some fantastic polishes, rapid detailers, paste waxes, glazes, sealants, you name it.

The UK marketplace is a crowded one from big players such as Meguiar’s and Autoglym to smaller operations such as Britemax, Angelwax and Dodo Juice, not to mention hundreds of micro-boutique car care companies, some cool, some not so.

A range that was new to me until recently was Roar Polishing, a Derbyshire operation founded several years ago by polishing and bodyshop experts. It has to be said that the majority of UK-based companies don’t blend their own polishes and elixirs, buying in their products from a few long-established chemical companies.

However, Roar is one of the few who actually makes their own stuff. Their range is extensive and we’ll be doing a larger product overview in a forthcoming issue of TKC Mag – they’ve even invited us along to meet their white-coated scientists, which is an invitation we’ll gladly accept – but I’ve recently been using their quick detailer product, Speed Gloss, with great success.

It comes in a 500ml spray bottle, is easy on; easy off and really is one of the most underrated, not to mention capable, products of its type that I’ve ever used. It’ll join my go-to list of detailers, for sure.

All car care companies produce their take on a quick detailer. It’s an in-demand item that all enthusiasts want in their arsenal. Frankly, many leave a lot to be desired, relying on smell and/or vivid colour rather than performance. Thankfully, Roar’s Speed Gloss backs up the lovely marzipan fragrance with the ability to shine your car’s bodywork to dazzling level.

I always try and torture a product on test by using it in an environment it may not be suited to. Bright and direct sunlight often catches out many polishes and quick detailers, leaving bodywork that has lots of smears and an un-even shine.

I couldn’t catch Speed Gloss out. Take a look at the shine on my X5. Black paint is a hard colour to get really right as it shows every imperfection in the paint and whether the formulation of the product is up to scratch.

I like it because it won’t take any existing wax or sealant off your car’s body, rather acting as a gloss boost or top-up to your prescribed cleaning regime.

Speed Gloss is one I’d recommend and along with Winners Detailer Deep Shine it really does punch above its weight.

It typically retails at around £16 but contact to find out more or call them on 01773 743 492 ENDS.