The ‘rounded-off’ nut or bolt is the scourge of the mechanical workshop. Particularly on exhaust components, a corroded and seized nut or bolt defies all attempts to remove it, and if using a spanner or ill-fitting socket, the flats of the fastener soon get rounded-off, making things worse. What to do?

Well, you could get out the angle grinder or better still, reach for this ingenious new Damaged Nut/Bolt Extractor Set from Laser Tools (part number 7524).

This set is made up of a set of cleverly designed hexagon bolt and nut extractor adaptor caps. These specially hardened caps fit over the rounded off fixing and allows a standard twelve-point socket or ring spanner to be used to remove the rounded off the fastener. The extractor cap grips and moulds itself to the rounded-off fastener and keeps on gripping until it loosens off.

There are 12 sizes included in the set: 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 17mm, 18mm and 19mm. For lightly rounded-off fasteners the caps can be used again and again, but for more damaged fasteners the caps are classed as consumable items (replacements parts are available to keep your set complete).

A very useful addition to the tool kit — great value and available now from your local Laser Tools supplier, typically priced at £13.73 inc VAT, but remember to check for the best prices and special offers.

More details from ENDS.