New from Europa Spares for vehicles with self-parking windscreen wipers.
We all love our kitcars and classics and many people use them all year round. This is great but it also means they have to face the worst of the weather – even in the summer months!
Many vehicles have a wiper motor that is simply on or off so that driving in drizzle or moderate rainfall means constantly reaching for that toggle switch to keep the windscreen clear!
Even those cars with the luxury of a two-speed motor have the same problem!
Designed & hand built in the UK, the Retronics RWTM is simple to install a module which gives you multiple sweep intervals for your car’s one-speed (or dual coil two-speed) wiper motor – without removing or replacing any original parts!
With only four wires to connect, a retro style control switch and an easy to hide control box, the RWTM gives you control over variable delay wiper sweeps in intervals of 2, 3, 4, 8 & 16
Your wiper motor’s original function is unaffected and it works on positive and negative earth vehicles.
To find out more call 01283 815 609 or ENDS.