I’m a paid-up fan of the work of automotive clay modeller, Paul Goldsmith. The man is a genius as far as I am concerned.

We also like his body conversion work based around MGF. Indeed, we built one of his Abster kits as a project car for TKC Magazine.

His latest creation, the RSG has been unveiled and it’s another winner, as far as I can see. This one is based on both MGF and TF and is another restyle that retains the character of the original cars, which in the TF’s case is now 14-years young and beautifully and tastefully lifts them into 2019 and beyond.

Paul’s intention with the RSG was to deliberately create something that could look like it would sit happily next to the current models – MG3, MG ZS and MG GS in a MG Motors showroom.

I think he’s achieved that aim, personally.

All RSG panels directly replace the F or TF originals except the front bumper which requires TF headlights if it’s being fitted to an MGF.

Pricing and up to the minute information on this very pretty body conversion can be found via Paul’s Facebook page – ENDS.