New from Californian car care brand Chemical Guys is Hydrocharge Ceramic Spray Coating.

The product, which has a smell of lighter fluid about it, gives you all the benefits of a ceramic coating without the expense, time, difficulty, and headache! Despite being a devout car care enthusiast, ceramic coatings give me the hee-bee-gee-bees as they can potentially bring problems if not applied correctly.

Therefore, traditional ceramic coatings take time and effort to apply but Chemical Guys Hydrocharge is a revolutionary ceramic treatment that applies with a simple squeeze of the trigger.

I’ve recently become convinced that to do a ceramic coating properly you need a professional to apply. I spent half an hour trying it out this week and found it as easy to use as a standard polymer-based quick detailer. It really is easy-on-easy-off.

Just give the bottle a good shake. Spray it on one panel at a time and let it cure for at least 30-seconds, although Chemical Guys reckon two minutes is optimum. You then just buff it off to a high shine.

The makers claim it offers durable long term protection, incredible water beading properties, and a high gloss, light-reflecting shine.

A premium product, but a premium result. A 500ml spray bottle costs £40 and is available now from or 0333 222 9944 ENDS.