We always like to bring you innovative products where we can – the sort of items that are perfect for the kit and specialist car enthusiast who likes nice things. The piece this week on the work of Flat Out Studio is one such while this one on the beautiful hand-crafted key fob work of Davide Mariscotti could really be of interest to totalkitcar and TKC Mag readers.

Our cars are special, one of Davide’s key-fobs could be very tempting for you, dear reader. Davide is an accountant by trade although lives near Italy’s iconic Monza circuit. Therefore, motorsport is a passion and has been in his veins since he was three years old.
Tell Davide the message you’d like on your key fob and he’ll produce it for you. Each key fob is leather and hand-crafted, while the writing is hand-painted after being embossed. The keyring is fastened using Chicago bolts.

I’m tempted by the paean to the BMW 2002 advertising campaign from the sixties ‘Goes like Schnell’! or even the one Davide, a Porsche 356 enthusiast, produced for himself, which reads ‘La Chiave va a Sinistra’ (the key is on the left) which is said to come from Porsche’s successes at Le Mans that meant that a driver could turn the ignition key with one hand as they engaged first gear with the other! The saying has gone down in folklore in Porsche circles regardless of its actual origins.
How about the one dedicated to the Porsche 911 Turbo ‘Widow Maker’? I can imagine many a Westfield or Caterham owners getting this idea, not to mention owners of Ultimas, Cobra replicas or anything else for that matter. The best part is that prices start at just €40. The biggest problem will be choosing the message you’d like on the fob.
One thing though, I can’t help but feel that the Italian for key fob – PORTACHIAVI, is so much sexier.
Find out more information from www.kyfob.bigcartel.com ENDS.