There are few more dispiriting feelings than stepping out of your house on a crisp, cold winter morning, only to find that your car has been almost entirely encased in ice and frost!
Freeing your car from winter’s grip can be both time-consuming and bone-chilling, neither of which are exactly ideal when you’re about to set off on a morning commute! If this sounds familiar then worry not, as Autoglym have you very well covered with their ‘winter twins,’ Autoglym Ultimate Screenwash and De-Icer.
Autoglym Ultimate Screenwash
Dirty windscreens can be annoying at best, downright dangerous at worst, distracting you from the road ahead and even partially obscuring approaching hazards. It’s also that bit easier for your screen to become utterly filthy as autumn gives way to winter and the roads get dirtier, so all the more reason to invest in a bottle of one of the unsung heroes of the Autoglym range, Ultimate Screenwash.
Not only is Autoglym Screenwash suitable for use with all vehicle and wash jet types (including headlight washers), it has been proven to shift all common contaminants and will not freeze down to -45oC, a temperature so cold that (n the UK at least) we rather feel that you’ll have bigger problems to worry about than a clean screen! Autoglym De-Icer is also supremely versatile and cost-effective thanks to its highly concentrated nature. It might appear small, but the 500ml bottle it’s supplied in can make up to 8L of screenwash, while its concentrated nature means that the precise strength is entirely in the hands of the end user, you. You can adjust the concentration to suit the demands of the season or the amount of grime currently on your screen.
Autoglym De-Icer
Autoglym don’t pretend that de-icer is the kind of product to set pulses racing and palms sweating, but there’s equally no denying that it can be a real lifesaver, sometimes quite literally; you don’t have to look too hard to find fellow drivers peering through tiny ‘portholes’ they’ve hacked out of their iced windscreens! Autoglym De-Icer is the complete solution to the problem of ice covered windows, and it’s all down to its super concentrated solution. Autoglym’s development boffins have worked hard to devise a formulation that’s quick to work and easy to use.
There’s another, all too frequently overlooked aspect of de-icers, and that’s the effect they have on the car itself. Autoglym has worked hard to ensure that De-Icer is safe to use on all materials commonly found on cars, including paintwork, rubber, plastic and (of course) glass. It can be employed to clear windows, mirrors, headlamps and even door locks, leaving you to set off on your journey within minutes.
Autoglym De-Icer works best when heavy snow deposits have been removed beforehand, whereupon its unique formulation can get to work. Let the ice thaw before removing any remaining deposits with a squeegee blade or windscreen wipers.
Both De-Icer and Screenwash cost £4.40 each with more information at ENDS.