Autosparks is a hive of automotive electrical know-how and among their many products is a semi-assembled kitcar harness that in addition to being completely road-legal, have all the mandatory functionality to comply with IVA requirements.

It’s been created for enthusiasts who have a reasonable understanding of vehicle electrics and all harnesses are supplied with a comprehensive wiring booklet to aid installation.

Auosparks offer two types of kitcar harness in standard or deluxe forms with the latter having more functions and the potential to add more modifications such as a radio feed, ECU, heated front screen feed and the ability to work with a motorcycle engine.

Likewise, if your car doesn’t have a windscreen or wipers, these functions can be removed.

Standard harness prices start at £223.87 inc VAT regardless of whether your car has a front, mid or rear-mounted engine, while the deluxe version starts at £235.32 inc VAT.

You can contact the Nottingham-based company at the other end of 0115 949 7211 or via ENDS.