This is a good product from car care meisters, Angelwax which is called Corona Synthetic Wax and has multiple uses and does all of them superbly in my experience.

I’ve always seen it as a great product for cleaning both interior and exterior plastic trim and rubber. It not only cleans and leaves a nice satin sheen it can also rejuvenate faded and dried out plastics. It’s possibly the best product of this kind I’ve ever used.

Another use is as wax for your paintwork, much like Collinite Insulator Wax, which are both synthetic waxes. Insulator Wax can be a bit tricky to use – the outside temp needs to be 20-degrees C – and Corona also needs careful application but follow the instructions – a clean and dry car is recommended – and you won’t be disappointed.

It is also a very effective tyre dressing, too, but using it in this way can be quite expensive, although one of its main attributes of hydrophobicity (beading!) works particularly well on rubber.

A great product, highly recommended. Their new Enigma ceramic version is also excellent too and we’ll cover that one here soon. 

A 250ml spray bottle costs £14.95 or a 500ml bottle costs £24.99. Available via or one of the company’s array of dealers around the UK, Europe and America including ENDS.