I’m a big fan of Essex-based car care specialists, Killer Brands and in particular, their Winners line up of polishes, waxes and much else besides.

I’m addicted to keeping my cars clean – and those of friends and family too, for that matter (when times allow!) – and a product that I’ve been having a lot of success with recently is Winners Satin Interior Detailer.

I particularly like the fact that it leaves a nice satin finish while doing what it says – cleaning your interior trim – and it doesn’t leave your car’s inside looking like that of a Bucharest taxi, i.e. overly shiny, oily and sticky.

The product has a built-in protector to help against UV rays and it’s really easy to apply and more importantly to remove!

One more thing. It offers incredible value for money with a 5-litre bottle costing just £17.94 inc VAT. It puts more expensive and lesser products to shame, frankly.

More information from or at the other end of 0208 445 6811 ENDS.