Royal Warranted car-care expert Autoglym has launched a truly effective Hand Sanitiser, presented in a handy 100ml bottle that’s perfect for your car, office or home.
Many motorists already know that outside of their vehicle, it’s incredibly easy to pick up germs and bacteria – and then transfer these to the many exterior and interior touch points all around the car. Once inside the vehicle, a few seconds spent with this hand rub, soon eradicates the problem, meaning anything you then touch will then be with clean, sterilised hands.

A small win, but an important one as we all learn to control the spread of the current virus, and going forward, perhaps learn to live in a world where keeping our hands clean and germ-free will always be a significant factor.

Simply rub over the hands until dry, Autoglym’s Hand Sanitiser is a simple solution that can be taken anywhere, thanks to its compact size.

Priced at £3.99, or free with any online order from the factory website, the new Autoglym Hand Sanitiser is available to buy at – as well as at many online retailers. Get one for your glovebox today! ENDS.