If you don’t really ‘get’ quick detailer sprays and much prefer a more beefier product, then Carnauba Gloss from Autobright could be of real interest.

It has a thick crème consistency and contains, as the name suggests, a high level of carnauba wax which gives you a very wet-look shine. A similar type of product, I guess, to Adam’s Buttery Wet Wax, Chemical Guys’ Butter Wet Wax and Carbanuba, which have all become a very popular sector.

It is very easy to use and is formulated using the latest technology its unique blend of cutting-edge polymers, resins and natural carnauba and its buttery consistency not only brings out the deep shine and lustre of your paintwork but also provides long term protection.

Just apply a small amount to the applicator and apply a thin coating to your paintwork surface. Allow it to haze, and then use a microfibre towel to a high gloss shine.

A 500ml bottle costs just £9.99 and is available via ENDS.