Mothers is Meguiar’s natural rival in the USA and have been for many years. In the UK, they aren’t as well known but in America, they are well favoured by an army of hot rodders.

Their CMX Spray Wax (containing both Si02 AND Ti02) was released in 2018 and they’ve recently added several new products to the line-up. The new Ceramic Trim Restore & Coat contains acrylic Si02 nano-quartz technology and is said to restore dull and faded exterior trim and plastic.

Having access to a car in the TKC fleet with some faded plastic and so got to work. Spray a bit of product onto a clean, dry microfiber cloth or sponge applicator and rub onto the surface. Allow it to dwell and then buff off.

Unusually for an interior detailer, it can also be ‘stacked’ or layered or in other words, several coats can be applied for maximum visual impact.

It certainly restored my grey faded dashboard plastic and made it black again. When it dried the effect didn’t disappear. A great product.

A 200ml pump-spray costs £14.95 with more information from ENDS.